Just created and purchased 7 brand new TLDs!!! What are your thoughts?



Established Member
As the title says, I have just minted 7 brand new web3.0 TLDs. I have done tremendous amount of research and marinating, to finally pull the plug and purchase the following:


These are mine, forever! No transfer fees, no maintenance fees, no annual fees, nothing! What I do have and purchased along with the aforementioned, are royalty rights to each of them. What that means, is - should anyone, at any point in time, wish to create a domain on top, I am entitled to 50% of the domain cost.

The hardest part was trying to figure out what will most likely be desired - web3 vs w3. There is a really good discussion here, on one of the posts, regarding exactly this topic. As I initially thought, 'w3' has the general public's consensus. I, myself, prior to even stumbling upon the aforementioned discussion, have seen numerous 'w3' abbreviations used for in a plethora of domains. Obviously, the length, or the general desire to have TLD's be as short as possible, would naturally dictate w3 to be the winner... however, when searching for the above, I noticed some of the extensions were already purchased for web3 prefixes. Again, those who purchased them, were newbies interested in web3 content, just like me. We will see who wins but I have to say I am absolutely STOKED!!

The extensive research I did, was in regards to the traffic and popularity of the extensions (everything following 'w3') themselves. Everything that you see, is in the top 20 TLDs - meaning every TLD (e.g. .travel, .live, .tech, .online.... etc) was among the top 20 most popular TLDs... Not only that, but there is a service that tracks every single TLD indexed by ICANN and the respective account of each and every domain built in the past year on top of them. Those TLDs are also in the top 20 for most generated domains on top of them.

Anyway.... what do you guys think? By the way (and please take this as a joke, unless of course someone wants to.. because it's meant as a joke and not a shill) if anyone decides to create on top... I'll give them 25%n off, hahhah.

But seriously, as you can tell, I am extremely excited and am interested in your opinions.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
im also a Freename TLD owner, and full disclosure do consulting for the company,

heres my take on collisions, get used to it. Freename launched in an era of collisions, if you bought hns, or UD or decentr and though no one else would come along, and they somehow were the new ICANN, your probably disillusioned.

if all we do is swap one bureacratic, uninventive body ICANN for another, thats not really web3, lets see who does th ebest job, and they will succeed and the ones that dont will fall off,

ICANN is great for the "public root", the one that has to be fair and used by everyone. but they lost control of the entire space with their selfish money grab on tlds...so yes new options and protocols are starting.

i dont need freename to "win" i need my .verse and my .beverlyhills to win, they are my TLDS.
lmk if i can help anyone , Freename has about 100 partnership, just added web3 email, web3 meetings, web3 calendar - and you make 50% royalties on slds in your space, and can be a 15% affiliate earner on all names sold by your traffic.
i added .BeverlyHills

and some domain name tothe.moon madeinthe.usa

the hard thing to picture is even though freename is the platform, these are my TLDS, its my job to build, grow, market, protect.

but freename gives me access to over 80 integrations, web3email, websitebuilder, payments, webconferences etc.

web3 and web3 may meet but it wont be because web3 thinks it need web2, its a rebellous protest vote and web3 is creating their own uses cases.. for their own domain name becuase web3 domain name dont meet the needs of the community.

think about your email address, its losing its function as a digital identity because you have to confirm it everytime with a text message, web3applications wnat an instant on chain lookup... and there more of the same.

for now 99% of my money is in web2, but the innovation and new uses cases for me in the next 10 years may be split. and i certainly dont see in ICANN, or the current registries or registrars anything except leveraging their monopolys, there nothing new, no innovation, and with internet users worldwide non africa flat, they are getting desperate..

also the malarky about web3 being speculative and cant work as websites, oh you mean just like the frickin 50-100,000,000 domain names sold every year that arent developed and just bought because they are cheap or might be worth something in the future.

good luck, DYOR !!

im also a Freename TLD owner, and full disclosure do consulting for the company,

heres my take on collisions, get used to it. Freename launched in an era of collisions, if you bought hns, or UD or decentr and though no one else would come along, and they somehow were the new ICANN, your probably disillusioned.

if all we do is swap one bureacratic, uninventive body ICANN for another, thats not really web3, lets see who does th ebest job, and they will succeed and the ones that dont will fall off,
I agree.

The entire point of Web3 is being decentralized right?

You have companies like Unstoppable Domains suing to control .wallet.

That kind of centralization defeats the entire supposed purpose of Web3.

If you are for decentralization, it means you are actually for these conflicts existing.

well i think i heard that quite a bit last week, and your right, its decentralized.

freename is the platform i build on but i own my TLD, minted on the block chain, thats between me and the blockchain. its not like unstoppable where you buy their tlds, or HNS where you buy with their COIN (now .017), or .eth where you buy the second level in .eth

for me its about Freename TLDs, and great slds in .metaverse, .USA, .chine now, not in 2026.

"If you are for decentralization, it means you are actually for these conflicts existing."

yes, exactly - web3 wont be monopolies by EDICT, give them out, then build them, thats the .horse model and it stinks.

i wanted to be .verse


why should i have to pay ICANN $300,000 to try it out, to be a startup TLD, plus pay to be at each registrar, thats another 300,000, and pay ICANN $25,000 a year...

let me compete in the marketplace to make my TLD relevant and successful, my community has to download a plugin


then my TLD works in chrome, or download plugin for other browsers...

thats it - now its my job to build my TLD.

If someone else trys to build a .verse, great good luck, but you'll have to content with my "MARKET POWER"

so in the furture each user will manage their own collisons with preferences in their browser etc - just like you have ethereum on mainnet and ethereum on polygon in your wallet. web3 understand this.

i like that ICANN runs a public internet, it works with no collision on the original 2000 tlds, fair to the publci the world - but also taken over by lawyers and the registries and registrars. -

they didnt act and LOST the web3 community,,,

but again im 99% in web2 and like it - it has a history, profits, standard, that wont happen in web3 til winers picked either on time, or progress.

thanks for your good questions.

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well i think i heard that quite a bit last week, and your right, its decentralized.

freename is the platform i build on but i own my TLD, minted on the block chain, thats between me and the blockchain. its not like unstoppable where you buy their tlds, or HNS where you buy with their COIN (now .017), or .eth where you buy the second level in .eth

for me its about Freename TLDs, and great slds in .metaverse, .USA, .chine now, not in 2026.

"If you are for decentralization, it means you are actually for these conflicts existing."

yes, exactly - web3 wont be monopolies by EDICT, give them out, then build them, thats the .horse model and it stinks.

i wanted to be .verse


why should i have to pay ICANN $300,000 to try it out, to be a startup TLD, plus pay to be at each registrar, thats another 300,000, and pay ICANN $25,000 a year...
I get that point, but the real answer is so the domain works in a normal situation, without the need for special software or settings.

It is highly unlikely there is going to be some paradigm shift where you just type a Web3 domain into a normal browser, and it resolves. That is especially true if the extension exists under ICANN or conflicts with others.

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"It is highly unlikely there is going to be some paradigm shift where you just type a Web3 domain into a normal "
browser, and it resolves"

and that the beauty, anyone (even me) who thinks they know the futrue, probably doesnt or will get lucky with a prediction, for me its like everything in domains ,

name and price

.verse on ICANN, wait 3 years $1 Million. universal existing a root tld, wait 3 years, hope universal access still exists and browsers, mobile phone companies or government havent split the root, spend $300k to 1 mill and get a tld thats one of maybe 4000 fighting at lazy registrar for mindshare, - meaning hoping for corporate trademark registrars . annual cost $25k a year.

.verse on freename - works now on 80 web3 integrations, plugin for browser, $4000 and no renewals, i make 50% profits on all slds and can set my own custom pricing and blocks.. and yes i have to build up my community but every time another freename tld owners grows users with the plugin, it grows the market for me.

plus then if ICANN tries to give one out in 2026, THEY are the ones causing the conflict in "their"silo

IMHO ICANN lost the right to be the arbiter of TLDS when the bolted from the US Government, not why are a silo - albeit the most dominant one) but a silo in a wide wide world.

but ive always wanted my own tld so freename lets ME have it,

i bought my first TLD in 2002, paid Mail.com, the old internet bubble company $10k for the then altroot rights to .law, .sports. .kids .mail etc

so if its even first to claim im still in.

but again thanks for the good questions, im ok with not having the best answer - the easy answr - web3s are ok with ICANN, but that answer doesnt exist.
"It is highly unlikely there is going to be some paradigm shift where you just type a Web3 domain into a normal "
browser, and it resolves"

and that the beauty, anyone (even me) who thinks they know the futrue, probably doesnt or will get lucky with a prediction, for me its like everything in domains ,

name and price

.verse on ICANN, wait 3 years $1 Million. universal existing a root tld, wait 3 years, hope universal access still exists and browsers, mobile phone companies or government havent split the root, spend $300k to 1 mill and get a tld thats one of maybe 4000 fighting at lazy registrar for mindshare, - meaning hoping for corporate trademark registrars . annual cost $25k a year.

.verse on freename - works now on 80 web3 integrations, plugin for browser, $4000 and no renewals, i make 50% profits on all slds and can set my own custom pricing and blocks.. and yes i have to build up my community but every time another freename tld owners grows users with the plugin, it grows the market for me.

plus then if ICANN tries to give one out in 2026, THEY are the ones causing the conflict in "their"silo

IMHO ICANN lost the right to be the arbiter of TLDS when the bolted from the US Government, not why are a silo - albeit the most dominant one) but a silo in a wide wide world.

but ive always wanted my own tld so freename lets ME have it,

i bought my first TLD in 2002, paid Mail.com, the old internet bubble company $10k for the then altroot rights to .law, .sports. .kids .mail etc

so if its even first to claim im still in.

but again thanks for the good questions, im ok with not having the best answer - the easy answr - web3s are ok with ICANN, but that answer doesnt exist.
Well, at least you actually do seem to believe in decentralization.

A lot of companies in the field like Unstoppable Domains just pay lip service to it. They market that way, then they try to use the legal system to gain exclusive control over the .wallet extension. That just defeats the entire purpose.

I have even seen some people that support Web3 complaining about conflicts. That is also kind of laughable, because again it is the entire point of decentralization. Good or bad.

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"I have even seen some people that support Web3 complaining about conflicts. That is also kind of laughable, because again it is the entire point of decentralization. Good or bad."

Well said, good or bad, but real and ..... consistent. I think for our platform to work we cant just be a one point and gotcha and grab the money,, were fully doxed 17 people on the team, moving forward. Ill be telling the story at ICANN next week, unless they give me a BIG black mark... which of course web3 takes as a badge of honor..

"I have even seen some people that support Web3 complaining about conflicts. That is also kind of laughable, because again it is the entire point of decentralization. Good or bad."

Well said, good or bad, but real and ..... consistent. I think for our platform to work we cant just be a one point and gotcha and grab the money,, were fully doxed 17 people on the team, moving forward. Ill be telling the story at ICANN next week, unless they give me a BIG black mark... which of course web3 takes as a badge of honor..

They have dealt with alternative roots in the past, and still delegated them.

I don't think ICANN is going to be giving up control.

They are likely to delegate .wallet, .crypto, .nft, or whatever else and and just ignore any companies currently offering them.

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.verse on ICANN, wait 3 years $1 Million. universal existing a root tld, wait 3 years, hope universal access still exists and browsers, mobile phone companies or government havent split the root, spend $300k to 1 mill and get a tld thats one of maybe 4000 fighting at lazy registrar for mindshare, - meaning hoping for corporate trademark registrars . annual cost $25k a year.

.verse on freename - works now on 80 web3 integrations, plugin for browser, $4000 and no renewals
It's different if you look at it from the perspective of a registrant. For me, as a registrant, those ICANN fees aren't necessarily bad. It pays for systems like Data Escrow and EBERO, which reduces the risk of my chosen TLD dissapearing. If you're a registrant, do you bet on the TLD investing $1 million and participating in EBERO, or the TLD with no failsafe that only loses $4k if they decide to walk away?
"It is highly unlikely there is going to be some paradigm shift where you just type a Web3 domain into a normal "
browser, and it resolves"

and that the beauty, anyone (even me) who thinks they know the futrue, probably doesnt or will get lucky with a prediction, for me its like everything in domains ,

name and price

.verse on ICANN, wait 3 years $1 Million. universal existing a root tld, wait 3 years, hope universal access still exists and browsers, mobile phone companies or government havent split the root, spend $300k to 1 mill and get a tld thats one of maybe 4000 fighting at lazy registrar for mindshare, - meaning hoping for corporate trademark registrars . annual cost $25k a year.

.verse on freename - works now on 80 web3 integrations, plugin for browser, $4000 and no renewals, i make 50% profits on all slds and can set my own custom pricing and blocks.. and yes i have to build up my community but every time another freename tld owners grows users with the plugin, it grows the market for me.

plus then if ICANN tries to give one out in 2026, THEY are the ones causing the conflict in "their"silo

IMHO ICANN lost the right to be the arbiter of TLDS when the bolted from the US Government, not why are a silo - albeit the most dominant one) but a silo in a wide wide world.

but ive always wanted my own tld so freename lets ME have it,

i bought my first TLD in 2002, paid Mail.com, the old internet bubble company $10k for the then altroot rights to .law, .sports. .kids .mail etc

so if its even first to claim im still in.

but again thanks for the good questions, im ok with not having the best answer - the easy answr - web3s are ok with ICANN, but that answer doesnt exist.
I can´t see any value on that. Does anybody remembers Second Life? Same will happen with Metaverse.
im also a Freename TLD owner, and full disclosure do consulting for the company,

heres my take on collisions, get used to it. Freename launched in an era of collisions, if you bought hns, or UD or decentr and though no one else would come along, and they somehow were the new ICANN, your probably disillusioned.

if all we do is swap one bureacratic, uninventive body ICANN for another, thats not really web3, lets see who does th ebest job, and they will succeed and the ones that dont will fall off,

ICANN is great for the "public root", the one that has to be fair and used by everyone. but they lost control of the entire space with their selfish money grab on tlds...so yes new options and protocols are starting.

i dont need freename to "win" i need my .verse and my .beverlyhills to win, they are my TLDS.
lmk if i can help anyone , Freename has about 100 partnership, just added web3 email, web3 meetings, web3 calendar - and you make 50% royalties on slds in your space, and can be a 15% affiliate earner on all names sold by your traffic.

Wowwww!! How did I miss such great replies from w eryone. This is the first time I've received a notification email. Regardless, Page, I hear ya, specidically regarding the "age of collision". And I'm sorry, not sorry, but I do not have an especially high regard for entities like DW... idiots, who allow minting of ccTLDs. I suppose, even more could be said of the dingle-berries that mint ccTLDs. Those issuesnwill naturally get sorted out. My questions specidically lie in the following:

I see that freename is planning to bring Eth compatability. You know exactly where I'm going with this.... how will they plan to account for all previous eth name service domains minted? Same goes for decentraweb. What i like and appreciate about freename, is that they obviously have a db of names, brands, protected "everythings" that one cannot create. They are at least trying their best to circumvent any future headaches. However, and as excited as I am to see eth functionality, will that only extend to the browser plug in? I doubt their intent is to simply bring in eth indexing, I'm sure they are talking about domain/tld creation. So i wonder how will they mitigate collision of already created tlds and subdomains.

Also, in response to the discussion you guys were having - there is a newly created web3 registrar coolition created specidically to tackle these issues of duality. So far, Freename has not joined or isn't a part of it. Wonder why, as they are number one tld provider out there (along with DW). But, so far, when asked what their plans are and how they plan to deal with same duplicates across different chains.... their response was actually fairly pragmatic.... first come, first serve. We will recognize the one, which was created first. I think thats fair but do hope for a more central (and I do not mean privately owned and managed, just mean shared) repository of all mints, simply to avoid insanity down the line.

Regarding the earlier question by someone....or a statement, that the individual does not see wveryone having to use an add-on to browse web3 domains.... i think that you wont have to but if indeed, in order to access web3 content, one may need to dlwd an add-on... honestly... i cant think of an easier thing to do. Add-on entry in the browser, 2 clicks, good to go forever. As I have written in one of my previous posts, ICANN will have nonchoice but to jump on board to remain relevant... if they do not, they will b3come obsolete. Web3 revolution (as lame as it sounds) is here and there is no escaping it. Thry could literally turn the web off today and just like running nodes, the decentralized nature of blockchain will parse the hosting service/needs onto everyone around the world. There is no more n3ed for a central authority, as there is no more need for icann. Just my 2 cents.

P.S. typing from my cell with a glass protector which inhibits my ability to produce a single, grammar error-free sentence. I apologize for any/all typos... in a hurry
Domainers can't hand reg or buy in the aftermarket decent coms and register rubbish. Instead of wasting your time and money, find another hobby that makes sense and money.
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Regarding the earlier question by someone....or a statement, that the individual does not see wveryone having to use an add-on to browse web3 domains.... i think that you wont have to but if indeed, in order to access web3 content, one may need to dlwd an add-on... honestly... i cant think of an easier thing to do. Add-on entry in the browser, 2 clicks, good to go forever.

I found this comment very interesting. May I ask for some more information?
Currently, Freename is offering a browser extenstion (respectivley an add-on) to browse Web3 domains.
How would your suggested solution look like?

What would be different with your suggestion: "Add-on entry in the browser"?
Could you describe it a little bit more?
Thank you for your input.
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Good to know. I hold a few TLDs from Freename


Almost touching 3 figures from sld domain registrations on these TLDs from users.
I missed this one... Wowwww man, really?? I'm stupid, and only have 2 useless 5 dollar subs created. I figured I'd udentify top 20 .com TLDs and just add a w3 prefix. I imagine it maybe too hard for people to switxh from letters to numbers, although there is a growing "w3" inclusion in multiple domain names that I see. I wonder ehich of yours are doing the best, I could look it up but I'm lazy, so maybe you can tell me. I'm assuming its "theuniverse"?... although its the longest. See, its crazy - I, myself, would have never purchased those, especially considering the web3xr probably cost you over 1000 bucks? I wouldn't think they would attract subs. But apparently I couldnt have been more wrong. How did you come up with those? What influenced your decision?
I, at first, was going to go with w3china, w3india.... stuff like that. Then I see the tlds that get subs minted under and I am shocked. Either I am too stupid or there truly isnt much logic to any of it.
I found this comment very interesting. May I ask for some more information?
Currently, Freename is offering a browser extenstion (respectivley an add-on) to browse Web3 domains.
How would your suggested solution look like?

What would be different with your suggestion: "Add-on entry in the browser"?
Could you describe it a little bit more?
Thank you for your input.
I mean you download a browser extension, a search bar that also looks through web3 domains. Everything is the same. You only have to add the extension. Does that make sense? There wasnt anything unique to what i was teying to say
I mean you download a browser extension, a search bar that also looks through web3 domains. Everything is the same. You only have to add the extension. Does that make sense? There wasnt anything unique to what i was teying to say

Thanks; that helps!
I missed this one... Wowwww man, really?? I'm stupid, and only have 2 useless 5 dollar subs created. I figured I'd udentify top 20 .com TLDs and just add a w3 prefix. I imagine it maybe too hard for people to switxh from letters to numbers, although there is a growing "w3" inclusion in multiple domain names that I see. I wonder ehich of yours are doing the best, I could look it up but I'm lazy, so maybe you can tell me. I'm assuming its "theuniverse"?... although its the longest. See, its crazy - I, myself, would have never purchased those, especially considering the web3xr probably cost you over 1000 bucks? I wouldn't think they would attract subs. But apparently I couldnt have been more wrong. How did you come up with those? What influenced your decision?
I, at first, was going to go with w3china, w3india.... stuff like that. Then I see the tlds that get subs minted under and I am shocked. Either I am too stupid or there truly isnt much logic to any of it.

The question isn't meant for me, but perhaps I can give some insight:

ICANN was charging an application fee for a TLD with six digits in the past.
Now you are able to buy a TLD for 79 $ one-time payment. For this price it's possible to buy great names. More than 5,000 people have done so far.
Since no renewal fees have to be paid, the revenue for the service provider and the TLD owner comes from SLD sales.
The beautiful thing is that Web3 domains will have much more functionalities than Web2 domains (like crypto payment plus automatic email, chat and video and metaverse integration) while getting the same features as Web 2 domains as well (in progress).

But it's another world. Web3 is another playground that users from Web2 will not easily understand in the beginning (although it's very easy to understand for people interested).

It's the same as with Bitcoin: In the year 2012, this was suspicious to most people, so they preferred to keep their hands off it. Surely the right decision for all doubters!
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I missed this one... Wowwww man, really?? I'm stupid, and only have 2 useless 5 dollar subs created. I figured I'd udentify top 20 .com TLDs and just add a w3 prefix. I imagine it maybe too hard for people to switxh from letters to numbers, although there is a growing "w3" inclusion in multiple domain names that I see. I wonder ehich of yours are doing the best, I could look it up but I'm lazy, so maybe you can tell me. I'm assuming its "theuniverse"?... although its the longest. See, its crazy - I, myself, would have never purchased those, especially considering the web3xr probably cost you over 1000 bucks? I wouldn't think they would attract subs. But apparently I couldnt have been more wrong. How did you come up with those? What influenced your decision?
I, at first, was going to go with w3china, w3india.... stuff like that. Then I see the tlds that get subs minted under and I am shocked. Either I am too stupid or there truly isnt much logic to any of it.
Sorry for the delayed response. Actually the best ones are DAOs & DigitalWallet! Sometimes what we expect is totally different from what market feels. I was also hoping that web3xr/web5xr would perform much better, but based on current trend it looks like DAOs, DigitalWallet & TheUniverse will lead.

I think it depends on trying to figure out a trend what people may like and then trying to sell domains. The advantage with web3 domains has been its a one time cost even for users. How well it will do in future, only time will tell. As its just in its initial stages and still a long way to go before we can anticipate or predict a trend for web3 domains. But last one year for me has seen reasonable returns from web3 domains than traditional domains!

Web3.. Hm.. Short investing, eh? What will you do when Web4 comes? The question is, why should people buy SLD from you, keeping in mind Web4?
ICANN won't get on board with those "TLDs" since there's no money in it for them.
Oh, yes they will! Because they not need a money, they need people!! All people.. And most of all people who want to run away!
I don't know what you paid or if it was a good move, but you have to consider these things if HNS takes off:
  • There are a billion new TLDs.
  • Each TLD can support an infinite number of domain names.
  • While the number of available names increases, the demand for names does not increase.
  • New TLDs already come along all the time and many are not popular.
  • Your TLDs are longer than most TLDs.
  • The name for the actual Web3 implementation may not even be called "Web3" when it is finally a reality, because if Web4 comes out then whoever runs the prevailing service (Facebook, X, whatever) would have to change the name.
  • There is a .web3 HNS TLD that you might have to compete with if you sell domains.
  • All your names are descriptive so mostly can't be trademarked.
  • It might be hard to remember a 2-word combination for every different website, like if you hear it on the radio or see it on a flyer. So most likely only a handful of TLDs will be relevant, as it is now.

You might make money if TLDs routinely get bought up by businesses with the same name, and a company named "web3live" makes it big. The TLD might be used for subdomains like shop.web3live, support.web3live, etc. But is that really so much better than web3live.com/shop or (with HNS) web3live.c/shop or shop.web3live.c that they would bother? I'm not sure.
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