
information Coronavirus.es confiscated temporarily by Spanish Government.

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WhoaDomain.comTop Member
Alright alright. Get ready for a chuckle. As I hinted before in other threads. Government's might confiscate domains using country code extensions.

In this case it was .es .

Not going to complain as they said they would give back the domain after this crisis is over (supposedly).

I should have grabbed that $10k offer.

But after I blew off that offer because they tried to scare me that Spanish Gov would take it. I cut all communications. I don't like scare tactics just to get my domain.

I suspect buyer took revenge and notified Spanish Gov and they took action. Or maybe not and Spanish Gov did so anyways.

Marcaria said this domain would be "returned".

What are my rights in regards to this? I guess they can legally do this?

I mean after coronavirus is "over" what point is it to own coronavirus.es?

Also FYI as part of this also COVID19.es and covid-19.es was confiscated "temporarily".

Currently the domain resolves to no where but I'm sure soon it will.

Is this all legal? Will I lose this domain completely?

The wording from Marcaria is that it will be eventually returned after this crisis is over.

Pretty slick. Spanish Gov. I had planned on developing this domain to monetize now nothing.

Wonder what other. Countries will do this?

Are my rights being violated here by a Government? I suspect no but just curious.
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That's definitely a grim story. I read it earlier this morning. Total number of confirmed casualties is at 3.434 in Spain. That surpasses the numbers of China.

yea. the explanation is that countries like Italy and Spain has thee largest elderly population in the world. I don't know though. I'd have to disagree when you look at India and China the largest countries in the world. You would "think" those two would have the most Elderly right?

There is also another explanation of sorts but it's a bit flimsy.

Basically they said that Italy and Spain have this culture of when they greet they must kiss each other on the cheek or lips even. doesn't have to be lovers. can be just family.

I've had spanish friends kiss me right in the mouth when they greet me. also french and italian. men even. not just women.

I also think China Coronavirus spread quickly because living near NYC and going to Chinatown frequently before. I have come to the conclusion that Chinese people love to SPIT. you know the kind that people cough up a lung to get the mucous from their throats and then spit out it out on the streets? yea. They do that ALOT in Chinatown NYC so I wouldn't put it past them to do it in Mainland China.

You step on that by accident while not paying attention and then go home with THAT on your shoes and track it all around the house?

now you have Covid on your carpet or floors.

but I guess it's not just Chinese. I've seen old Indian men do that around by me in Jersey City by Indian Square.

Like CMON MAN! really????
Under emergency laws I think they could and should be able to. Refund your $xx spent and call it a day. But in this case you could get it back with a lot of links

yea like I've said numerous times. I'm not going to hold my breath. But it's fine it's fine. back to domaining and selling domains shall we?
Sad about what happened!

But, through our research, we found that most (*-)coronavirus(-*) domains (and sub-domains) are being used in phishing scams and for inducing panic based malware downloads (and misinformation, cyber attacks, distributing ransomwares). I think they took a reasonable step in confiscating it to prevent abuse in such a sensitive situation.

I believe the government wants to control this domain in such a situation to avoid panic and misinformation. I would say this was quite a reasonable step - a precautionary step.


Who are you exactly? You are new here so WELCOME! but seriously when you say "through our research, we found" who are "You" and your ORG exactly that you did this unique research?

Also I get what you are saying "I think they took a reasonable step in confiscating it to prevent abuse in such a sensitive situation."

So the assumption here is I'm guilty be default for just registering the domain. That I "plan" on using it for nefarious reason. No judge. no jury. just guilty.

I don't think that's it. They just needed it for a good cause. That's enough for me. No need to speculate further. It is what it is. I'm over it. Calmed down already. not need for me to speculate further at this point.

Glad it's been put to good use.
Not judging you, sorry if you misunderstood. I understand you bought it for no bad purpose. But what I meant is they maybe taking it down as a precaution against any bad actors who could be possibly misusing such domains for a malicious purpose, not blaming you, sorry if you thought so!

Yes, we do malware analysis and threat hunting, and have seen a pattern of increasing number of domains named after coronavirus that are being used to distribute malware.
Not judging you, sorry if you misunderstood. I understand you bought it for no bad purpose. But what I meant is they maybe taking it down as a precaution against any bad actors who could be possibly misusing such domains for a malicious purpose, not blaming you, sorry if you thought so!

Yes, we do malware analysis and threat hunting, and have seen a pattern of increasing number of domains named after coronavirus that are being used to distribute malware.

no you misunderstood me lol actually. Didn't mean anything by it just trying to understand what you were saying. no big deal. I don't get offended easily.

I'm saying I disagree because it's none of that. It really is because they just needed it for this disaster AND because they can because it's a .es

I mean currently CoronavirusSpain.com and SpainCoronavirus.com is registered. I don't see the Spain Gov trying to get those under the idea of protection against malicious whatever.

They can't because it's a .com. They CAN with coronavirus.es because it's a .es and they needed it. Oddly enough during these times even exact match branding is crucial.

If anything it kind rams the point home (if anyone wants to use this situation to convince a buyer) that branding is EVERYTHING. Even in a pandemic to a room full of smart people it is the best option.

when someone tells you that "ehh I don't really need to buy such an expensive exact match domain for my business" just refer to them how the country of Spain felt compelled to use and confiscate coronavirus.es .

If that's not a comp I don't know what is.

Spain could have created SpainCoronavirus.com or CoronavirusSpain.com up until 3/3/20 but it didn't. Could have bought those for cheap I bet too since it's a two word domain. but they didn't.

they went for the domain to mimic what other countries are using.

Coronavirus + their countries extension

like the US and it's Coronavirus.gov website.
yup that's what my "basic" self thinks. I'm sure experts can confirm this.

so potentially if you sold it, and then they'd take it away from buyer.. he may come back to you and say there is a problem cause now he is short 10k AND the domain he bought?

or file a chargeback or something.. so maybe if you sold, it could create you extra problems too.
so potentially if you sold it, and then they'd take it away from buyer.. he may come back to you and say there is a problem cause now he is short 10k AND the domain he bought?

or file a chargeback or something.. so maybe if you sold, it could create you extra problems too.

hmmm didn't think of that. Although the fact that he DID mention about the "alarm" and threw that "fear" on me.

It's understood in writing he "knew" what he was getting himself into. So I highly doubt a chargeback could happen. but hey. stranger things have happened.

This more and more is looking like it was Spain in some shape or form.

I mean why offer me $10K and then threaten me as if to rush me and pressure me to sell mentioning about the state of alarm?

It was as if the threat or fear they threw at me THEY weren't WORRIED about.

get it? They did not WORRY that they might LOSE $10K. they just wanted the domain. period.

Which really brings up the question of WHY???????

Why SPAIN? why go on STEALTH MODE? I don't get it. I really don't. I really don't like stealth mode and I can always tell when an inquiry is on stealth mode. By default I usually just ignore such emails.

I don't get why they did not just contact me direct with no bs and tell me straight up either sell this domain to us at $10K or we're going to take it anyways?

Why the smoke and mirrors? It was unnecessary and if they were really in a rush they wasted time doing so.
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They took it to avoid possible scam.. peoples die and you try to make money on it
This more and more is looking like it was Spain in some shape or form.

So, you don't have a clue if it has been Spanish Gov. or not. Then you say this:
Why SPAIN? why go on STEALTH MODE? I don't get it. I really don't.

So, how do you come to the conclusion that it was Spanish Gov. who tried to buy it from you?

I mean, if it was really the Spanish Gov., you should think about it as a 10k gift, if they were willing to pay for a domain of THEIR OWN EXTENSION.

I mean, are you aware, at this step of the movie, that .es is OWNED BY THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT?

No ICANN, nothing, is the Spanish Government who owns this extension.
And let me tell you something too. I really think that they have been TOO KIND WITH YOU because they have already told you that they just take the domain from you only during the spanish state of alarm.

In normal circumstances, and knowing the strategic value of this domain for the spanish people, I would not give it back to you anywhere soon, at least until the coronavirus is dead for 100 years.
I really think that they have been TOO KIND WITH YOU because they have already told you that they just take the domain from you only during the spanish state of alarm..
hmmm didn't think of that. Although the fact that he DID mention about the "alarm" and threw that "fear" on me.

Probably to talk down the sales price. Again, I highly doubt it was a Spanish official making that offer.

I find it much more likely that it was someone playing you.
I mean when will this coronavirus pandemic end? The whole point was to sell it or monetize. now I can't do either. who will buy it once the coronavirus pandemic blows over.

You didn't use the domain for anything inappropriate, obviously.

Wrong. He registered this domain for inappropriate use.
He was about to sell it to somebody without to be sure how the potential buyer could use it. There are a lot of mails and sms here these days, trying to scam or fraud
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Wrong. He registered this domain for inappropriate use.
He was about to sell it to somebody without to be sure how the potential buyer could use it. There are a lot of mails and sms here these days, trying to scam or fraud

@mayazir WRONG

Check archive.org for this domain. Never did this domain had a landing page. nor was any outgoing emails ever sent out by me to anyone. registered and that's it. If registering a domain by default is inappropriate use then all domainers are guilty.

As stated several times before. I registered this domain because it is automatic for a domain investor. The reason always comes AFTER.

Had I not registered the domain I would have NO OPTIONS. since registering the domain YES I have OPTION to sell or to DEVELOP or keep to protect the general public from being scammed by someone who would use this domain for inappropriate use.

The fact that I complained about them confiscating this domain is already explained.

Please @mayazir . If you are going to say something please make sure you can prove it. There is no malice in registering a domain. I never sold this domain and never marketed it or had a landing page.

These are all the typical clear indicators of someone who actively registered a domain to sell. If you have proof I actively tried to sell this domain please produce this proof.

if not? well what other reason do you have for saying it?

Not liking someone doesn't make what you say about that person automatically CORRECT.

only correct is correct. I tried to sell the domain to Spain? nope. wasn't even a thought. Spain or their people contacted me.

I registered coronavirus.es and posted it on Namepros as I always do and that's that.

So who knows really what I could have done with it? I don't even know what my plans were. So how do you?

I have other EMD coronavirus domains. Do you see me actively promoting them on here? NOPE.

so I guess now you will put a blatant blanket statement that I'm selling coronavirus domains?

If I ever list these domains for auction or put them on Namepros in the "Domains for Sale" section then

BE MY GUEST. Call me "the seller of coronavirus" domains."

until then only comment on what you can prove.

My whois info for coronavirus.es is EVEN PRIVATE. well it's Private by default based on GPDR.

Anyone who tries to sell domains automatically puts their whois public so they can at least be reached.


EDIT...just to prove how dumb your statement is. Let me go develop my coronavirus domains. (SOMETHING I REALLY DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO RIGHT NOW. But just because you seem to be on some agenda here. So if I develop my coronavirus domains. what then? I'm still selling coronavirus domains? What if I just did not get around to developing Coronavirus.es? That makes me automatically inappropriate for registering it? WOW!

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I never sold this domain and never marketed it or had a landing page.

I tried to sell the domain to Spain? nope. wasn't even a thought. Spain or their people contacted me.
You were about to sell it and rejected the 10k offer just because you were expected more and didntlike the postential buyer behavior and pressing. Did you know who was the buyer? No..and you didnt care what that buyer could make with that domain..
I registered coronavirus.es and posted it on Namepros as I always do and that's that.
You registered it.. it was enough.. everybody knows why we register domains..
So who knows really what I could have done with it? I don't even know what my plans were.
You are a domainer and you buy domains for 2 reasons: to develop or to sell.
Do you speak spanish? You wanted to develop it for who? For spanish people?
What new information could you give us?
Do you live here and know all better than other ones get from internet news?
If not, how and from where did you plan to get info? Copy it from a bunch of other info sites?
You registered it for profit.. you didnt care about the horrible situation and so many deaths..
You registered it for sell..
You planned to develop it? When? In what language?
If you plan to develop it then what is the problem? After the virus will desappearyou will get your domain back for development..
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That's just an excuse really. They needed it and they rather take it than pay what it's worth.
Spain is in a horrible situation and you wanted the gov to pay you 10k ?
500+ daily new deaths, collapse in hospitals, lack of masks and gloves, dozens of thousands daily tests and you need 10k ?
You were about to sell it and rejected the 10k offer just because you were expected more and didntlike the postential buyer behavior and pressing. Did you know who was the buyer? No..and you didnt care what that buyer could make with that domain..

You registered it.. it was enough.. everybody knows why we register domains..

You are a domainer and you buy domains for 2 reasons: to develop or to sell.
Do you speak spanish? You wanted to develop it for who? For spanish people?
What new information could you give us?
Do you live here and know all better than other ones get from internet news?
If not, how and from where did you plan to get info? Copy it from a bunch of other info sites?
You registered it for profit.. you didnt care about the horrible situation and so many deaths..
You registered it for sell..
You planned to develop it? When? In what language?
If you plan to develop it then what is the problem? After the virus will desappearyou will get your domain back for development..

hey hey buddy. if you don't get it. then it's a waste to explain.

This is not about selling a domain. And definitely about people dying.
People keep bringing up the fact that people are dying because of this virus.

I am not arguing the facts. People are doing.

People want to use the fact the people are dying to yell at me. Everyone is upset right now and that carries over.

But this is what it is. A domain was TAKEN instead of respectfully requested in a civilized matter. Are we gonna say now that Spain is not civilized?

Spain Gov is not a bunch of thugs in a ghetto are they? Mafia?

If you want it? ASK. If I say NO? then alright come at with all the fury and hell you want.


In FACT it NEVER GOT to THAT POINT where I could SAY NO or YES.


are we to say that thousands of people or even God forbid millions dying means people can't be civilized anymore?

just take? There needs to be order even in chaos. if not then we are no different from those people who riot and break into a supermarket and steal.




If it makes you feel better to yell at me and label me then go ahead but please. GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT.

"You are a domainer and you buy domains for 2 reasons: to develop or to sell.
Do you speak spanish? You wanted to develop it for who? For spanish people?
What new information could you give us?
Do you live here and know all better than other ones get from internet news?
If not, how and from where did you plan to get info? Copy it from a bunch of other info sites?
You registered it for profit.. you didnt care about the horrible situation and so many deaths..
You registered it for sell..
You planned to develop it? When? In what language?
If you plan to develop it then what is the problem? After the virus will desappearyou will get your domain back for development.."


I HAVE PROOF That I OFFERED THIS DOMAIN FOR FREE because of what the buyer said his plans were. I have emails to prove this.

I did not take the $10K offer because I felt odd about his email address not matching his name. But I went along with it and OFFERED HIM to point the domain to his website.

What more do you want?

Calling me a LIAR does not make you right. that just means you like calling me a LIAR.

And I already told you. I have no care at this point if it is returned to me or not because I ALREADY KNOW it won't so not going to stress over it. You think I'm sitting here drooling that I'll get a domain with 1 billion backlinks?

yeaaaaa okay! sure! NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. not going to hold my breath.

I OFFERED Coronavirus.es to point it for free for their info website. BUT THEY PRESSED THE $10K offer.

I'm done here talking with inflamed people. I know my truth. I have the emails and that's all I need.

I don't need to prove ANYTHING to you people. I offered it FREE. they didn't want it. They would rather keep offering $10K with a threat.

let's take this scenario and apply it to something else?

If someone does a nice thing and offers you something for FREE? but insist on giving you $10K?

It kind of ruins that nice gesture doesn't it? That FACT that I offered it FREE shows I'm not about MONEY. well maybe I am because $10K was not my expectation for this domain.


IS ANYONE F*CKING LISTENING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

alright I'm done here. if you guys don't want to listen but just want to pick and choose parts of what I say to satisfy your anger then I feel sorry for you. really. I feel sorry for you.

my truth? is in the emails. what proof do you have besides your anger? nothing.
Spain is in a horrible situation and you wanted the gov to pay you 10k ?
500+ daily new deaths, collapse in hospitals, lack of masks and gloves, dozens of thousands daily tests and you need 10k ?

"Spain is in a horrible situation and you wanted the gov to pay you 10k ?"

I wanted NOTHING. because technically I don't even know WHO offered $10K. right? so what are you talking about?

SPAIN TOOK the domain. For sake of this argument. SPAIN OFFERED ME NOTHING.


I swear you are seriously telling the wrong info here.
ask to who? to the person who registered this domain and was about to sell it to unknown person?
do we have this kind of pandemy every day?
I dont think it was Spain who offered you 10k.
But you were about to sell it to someone...
Spain owns .es and during the alarm state the gov can take everything without ask it
In Spain the state of Alarm (estado de alarma) is the lowest of the three degrees of state of emergency that allows the government to perform actions or impose policies that would normally not be permitted to undertake. It is regulated in the article 116.2 of the Constitution of Spain.

It can be declared in all of Spain or parts of it in these cases:
  • Serious risk, catastrophe or public calamity, such as earthquakes, floods, urban and forest fires, or major accidents.
  • Health crises, such as epidemics and serious contamination situations.
  • Situations of shortages of basic necessity products.
  • Paralysis of essential public services for the community if any of the above circumstances or situations concur.
The state of alarm is declared by the Government through a decree agreed in the Council of Ministers for a maximum period of 15 days, reporting to the Congress of Deputies, gathered immediately for this purpose. Without the Congress authorization said period may not be extended, and said decree will establish the scope and conditions binding during its duration. The decree will determine the territorial scope to which the effects of the declaration extend.

The limitation of rights are regulated in the organic law 4/1981. The allowed limitations are:
  • Limitation of movement or permanence of people or vehicles at certain times and places, or order them to meet certain requirements
  • Practice of temporary searches of all kinds of goods and imposition of personal obligations
  • Intervention and temporarily occupation of industries, factories, workshops, farms or locals of any nature, reporting it to the concerned Ministries.
  • The use of services or the consumption of basic necessities may be limited or rationed
  • The necessary orders may be issued to ensure the supply of the markets and the performance of the affected services and production centers
ask to who? to the person who registered this domain and was about to sell it to unknown person?
do we have this kind of pandemy every day?

again. you ASSUME my only purpose for this domain was to SELL SELL SELL. so guilty be default? or just convenient for you to have an excuse to attack someone?

repeating something over and over again does not make it true. only true is true.
this domain was never pitched to anyone. either on Namepros or anywhere. It was just in my inventory and forgotten.

so by your definition ALL DOMAINERS purpose is to SELL DOMAINS?

NONE EVER DEVELOP? that right? on your say so?

I think Rick Schwartz would have to disagree with you on that and so would many other domainers.

And what? are you psychic now? you can tell what goes on in the brain of every domainer?

I dont think it was Spain who offered you 10k.
But you were about to sell it to someone...
Spain owns .es and during the alarm state the gov can take everything without ask it

Actually I was no where NEAR selling. and come to think of it. if I did then Spain would take it from them.

Or Spain would have to DEAL with SOMEONE who had planned on developing the domain and developed it.

I don't know but maybe that developer would probably charge them a fee or make money from advertising. In any case the domain would not be in the possession of Spain but in the buyers hands.

If the domain was developed and is doing exactly what Spain had planned for it. Then why would they take it? The buyer would have full control over coronavirus.es and Spain would have to use them as the main source of spreading info to Spain.

I don't know about you but I think in that scenario Spain probably would need to pay them something? But I don't know.

So..... let me ask. Would you have issue with the $10K buyer had they developed the domain and Spain Gov had to let them keep it? I mean think about it. Had this buyer developed coronavirus.es into a decent info website about coronavirus that they told me they planned. Would Spain be in a position to take it? I mean if all roads lead to "informing the people" why or how could Spain justify taking it?

if anything coronavirus.es had nothing developed on it. So yea makes sense to take it. put it to good use.
but if someone paid $10K for it and developed it. Then I think Spain would have had no choice and maybe could not take it? or maybe I'm just wishful thinking.

meanwhile to recoup their $10K spend the new owner of coronavirus.es would need to make money from ads. It's understood.

You take issue with ME complaining about how Spain took my domain.

Yet you seem to be OK with the FACT that SOMEONE Tried to buy coronavirus.es for $10K for the purpose of yea sure "helping" people but if you can sit there and make a blanket STATEMENT that all domainers care about is MAKING MONEY then what about a buyer willing to pay $10K for coronavirus.es? Then they MUST be of the same idea. To make money.

Don't you think that buyer even though they had "noble" plans for coronavitrus.es that they will create a website for it and make money from ads? Who knows? Maybe they wanted coronavirus.es to make a name for themselves in Spain? to have coronavirus.es as the main website in Spain to get info. after all of this blows offer. Guaranteed whoever owns coronavirus.es and developed it will be very well known.

I think ultimately this was the plan on this buyer. I trust no one and their talk talk talk when they try to negotiate with me.

Again I repeat.

1. I did not like the buyer. Shady.
2. They went from $2000 to $5000 to $10,000. I did not feel this was the right price for this domain. You can take this how you want. If this person WAS say some scammer who wanted to use coronavirus.es for scamming then would you argue THEN that not selling for $10K was wrong? Again we really have no idea who this buyer was.

3 Still don't know if Spain hired this person to buy this domain. maybe yes maybe no. I DON'T KNOW.
4. Spain took coronavirus.es. no warning. No civilized request to borrow or request. Just took it.

Even in chaos there still needs to be just proper civility especially from a government. if not then we're all just a bunch of animals taking what we want because we feel we can.

Let's not change the subject here because this is what this boils down to. not about me not getting six figures because I already offered the buyer to use this domain for free.

If the buyer had no connections with Spain Gov then the Spain Gov really did just take this domain PERIOD. they didn't offer to buy it.

they just took it.

So you have two scenarios.

1. They offered to buy it via stealth. did not happen so they took it.
2. They never offered to buy it via stealth. They just took it.

#1 is bad and upsets me because they went stealth mode to buy it when they could have just contacted me directly. call it what you want but if #1 is true. then they wanted to buy coronavirus.es as cheaply as possible. they couldn't so they took it.

#2 is fair and I take no issue with. It's for a good cause and I'm ok with it. What I am not ok with is HOW they did it. Taking is fine but taking it without as much a formal request? so I can say yes or no?

what would have been the problem with making a formal request when you have the power to take it anyway? it would not have been a risk to make a formal request.

it feels good to donate and do good. but if someone forces you to donate or do good? I don't know isn't that bad? THE WAY it SHOULD go down is. "We're collecting money for the poor. Would you care to donate for a good cause?" And THEN you have the option to give or not give.

it's like that donations basket the goes around at church. It's understood you are supposed to put money in there already but the guy holding the basket goes thru your pockets for your wallet and throws it in there.

i mean cmon. I'm just talking basic common sense here.

You guys can flip it all you want to make me look like a d*ck here but that is the essence of this whole thing. Everything about this just makes my head spin. i don't have an issues with Spain taking the domain. It's HOW they took it.
You registered it for sale.
You know it.
You know I know about it.
I know you know I know about it.
All here know why you registered it.
You registered it for sale.
You know it.
You know I know about it.
I know you know I know about it.
All here know why you registered it.

So if I develop my other coronavirus domains? since your statements are flimsy at best as proof then the opposite destroys your statements then?

You guys are going to have to force me to develop my other coronavirus domains just to save myself. because two statements can't be true.

someone who develops his coronavirus domain can't be this person you claim him to be.

or MAYBE...the owner of coronavirus.es never got around to developing his domain? wow. no one even wants to go down the road. just straight shot to greedy domainer right?

if it makes you feel better at night go ahead but I know my truth and I can sleep at night soundly.

you can paint pictures as much as you want but doesn't make then true.

I guarantee you if I develop my other coronavirus domains. people will change their entire tune.

maybe I should. tired of this bs. so let's see ok? imagine I have an emd domain for coronavirus. I have just two at this point but still big audience as far as geography.

After that I'll come back to this thread and let's see what people say.

because in the scenario all people will see is I developed my domains to help people of which like I said I have two.

so where will your accusations fall then? you gonna call a domainer who developed his coronavirus domains into helpful websites a profiteer because he complained about coronavirus.es being taken from him?

I stand by what I said. I registered coronavirus.es and forgot about it. had I the time to develop. You know TIME that thing most domainers don't have? I would have. but developing takes time and money.

SO BECAUSE I did not have TIME based on YOUR SCHEDULE to develop coronavirus.es by default I am a profiteer?

wow. That's AMAZING. good luck with that.

I'll make sure everyone who benefits from my coronavirus websites to come have a chat with you.

thanks for motivating me to develop my coronavirus domains.

I'm lazy but now I'll have to because you just won't shut the f*ck up.
based on lack of knowledge I figured this guy was just trying to scare me to sell a domain that it's keyword "coronavirus" in quotes has 5,480,000,000 results on Google.

and intitle:"coronavirus" has 619,000,000 results.

How many domains do you know has that many results?

I mean for comparison the most popular term since the birth of the internet is SEX.

intitle:"sex" 581,000,000 results

"sex" in quotes 4,260,000,000 results
I think you mislead yourself by trying to look at the value through search volumes. You forgot that, unlike sex, Coronavirus is just a flash in the pan. Few months it's over. A domain like that is worth very little.

It was a huge mistake to have tried to play hard to get. Not for this type of domain. And by the time it will be finally returned, it may worth a little more than the reg fee.

Sorry about that
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